Educational Materials and Texts
Gleim Pilot Kit At About Time Aviation, we use textbooks and study guides published by Gleim for ground school. Packed full of information, including all the questions to the written test and full explanations of the correct answers, these books are an invaluable part of your learning experience.
Gleim offers a variety of kits for different pilot ratings (e.g. private pilot, commercial pilot, instrument pilot, etc.). These kits each contain not only the text books you will need to study, but other tools and gear you may find helpful and convenient. However, texts can also be purchased on an individual basis directly from Gleim, or at online outlets such as, eBay, etc. We stock the private pilot kit for $150 (a nice savings if you were to purchase items individually) and it has everything you need to get started including:
- Flight Bag
- Gleim Cap
- Flight Computer
- Logbook
- Pilot Handbook
- Plotter
- Private Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep
- Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Test
- Private Pilot Knowledge Test Prep Software Download
- Private Pilot Syllabus book
- Private Pilot Training Record book
Other Handy Items
As a student pilot you will require a variety of tools and reference materials that you will always want to have with you as you prep for and carry out flights. Having a dedicated “pilot’s bag” will keep these tools and materials together and easily available. We recommend including the following in your pilot’s bag:
- Sectional Chart (Klamath Falls and Seattle)
- Airport Directory
- Headset
- Knee board
- Colored flashlight (for night flying)
- Extra writing utensils
- Extra batteries (for noise cancelling headsets and flashlights)
Memory Aids
We’ve all experienced a bit of “brain-fade” when, for whatever reason, you can’t quite recall or grasp the idea you were searching for. It happens, and is no big deal…except when you’re 3000 feet in the air and need to make a quick decision. That’s when memory aids and mnemonic devices are our best friends! Below are a handful that are very helpful to pilots-in-training and experienced pilots alike. Here are some of our favorites:
5 hazardous attitudes: Macho, Invulnerability, Anti-authority, Impulsivity, Resignation
Alphabet: Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
ARROW: Required documents onboard the aircraft. Airworthiness certificate, Registration, Radio license (if operated in Canada or Mexico), Operating manual and limitations, Weight and balance
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate: A basic list of flying priorities. First and foremost fly the airplane. Second priority is to navigate on your desired course. Third priority is to make radio calls as necessary.
CompassANDS: Compass error. Accelerate North Decelerate South. On headings of east and west the compass will swing north on acceleration and south on deceleration.
CIGARS: Pre-takeoff check. Controls, Instruments, Gas, Run up, Safety
CRAFT: IFR Flight Clearance. Cleared to Routing Altitude Frequency Transponder
GUMPSS: Pre-landing checklist. Gas (fuel on fullest tank or both, fuel pump on), Undercarriage (wheels down and locked), Mixture (rich), Prop (full forward), Safety (seat belts on), Sock (wind sock)
IMSAFE: Personal checklist. Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Eating
Odd / Even altitude rule: On magnetic courses of 0 to 179 degrees, fly odd altitudes (plus 500’ for vfr); magnetic courses of 180 to 359 degrees, fly even altitudes (plus 500’ for vfr).
Instrument Panel - TOMATOFLAMES: VFR equipment required. Tachometer, Oil pressure, Manifold pressure, Altimeter, Temperature sensor (liquid-cooled), Oil temperature (air cooled) Fuel gauge, Landing gear position, Airspeed indicator, Magnetic compass, ELT (emergency locator transmitter), Seat belts
UNOS: Partial-panel compass turns. Undershoot North Overshoot South
GRAB CARD: IFR required equipment. Generator, Radios, Attitude indicator, Ball, Clock, Adjustable altimeter, Rate of turn indicator, Directional gyro
RAW FAT: Preflight information required for flights away. Runway lengths, Alternates, Weather, Fuel requirements, ATC delays, Takeoff/landing distance data
PL(ease!) START: Engine-out emergency. Pitch for best glide, Landing site, Seat belts, Troubleshoot, Approach, Radios, Turn off
4 C’s: Go Around. Cram it (full throttle), Clean it (flaps up), Cool it (carb heat), Call it (radio call)